Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
EBARA Environmental Plant Co., Ltd. recoganizess the importance of protecting personal information in the advanced information and communication society of today, and we ensure that your personal information is secured by incorporating the following policies:
- 1. Collecting of personal information
- When we collect personal information, we identify the purpose of utilization and collect it by specifying in advance or giving prior notice or disclosing to the person. When we collect special care-required personal information, we collect it upon obtaining the consent of the person.
- 2. UtilizingUse of personal information
- We only use collected personal information within the scope of the purposes of utilization which was specified, notified or disclosed in advance or the scope deemed to be related to the purpose of utilization.
- 3. Providing of personal information to a third party
- We will not provide personal information to a third party without prior consent of the person in question, with the only exception being legal orders.
- 4. Secure management of personal informations
- We shall maintain the collected personal information as accurate and up-to-date as it can in order to prevent unauthorized access to personal information,loss of personal information, destruction, falsification or leakage of personal information, we take appropriate information security measures and make every effort to manage personal information properly.
- 5. Notice of the purpose of utilization, disclosure, correction, addition, elimination, suspension and deletion, etc., of personal information
- When we receive a request such as notification, disclosure, correction, addition, expunction, suspension of use, deletion, etc., of the personal information held by EBARA, we shall take appropriate measures upon confirmation of the identity of the requesting person.
- 6. Formation, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of the Compliance Program for Personal Information Protection
- In order toTo implement this policyPrivacy Policy, we have established a Compliance Program for Personal Information Protection (including this policy, the Personal Information Protection Regulations, and other rulesregulations and regulationsules). We will to ensure thoroughthat our executives and employees thoroughly understanding of these rules and regulations by our executives and employees, and to implement, maintain and improve them. this program and implement, maintain, and continue to improve it.
Further, concerning the protection of specific personal information (My Numbers), we have established a Policy on the Protection of Specific Personal Information as follows in addition to the above Privacy Policy.
Policy on the Protection of Specific Personal Information
We understand that it is our company’s social responsibility to ensure the safe and proper handling of individual numbers and other specific personal information (hereinafter, referred to as “Specific Personal Information, etc.”) and We will properly handle Specific Personal Information, etc., in accordance with the following basic policy.
- 1. Compliance with the Applicable Laws, Regulations, Guidelines, etc.
- We will comply with laws and regulations, guidelines, and other rules applicable to Specific Personal Information, etc.
- 2. Matters onregarding Ssecurity Ccontrol Aactions
- We will implement measures to improve security controls, including physical and technical countermeasures to clarify responsibility, maintenance of internal rules and regulations, provision of education and training to persons handling work-related matters, and prevention of accidents such as leakage in order to prevent leakage, loss or damage of Specific Personal Information, etc., and to properly control Specific Personal Information, etc.
- 3. Establishment of Support Window for Complaints, etc.
- We will properly, faithfully, and promptly respond to any complaints, consultations, and inquiries concerning Specific Personal Information, etc. that we receive at our Support Window.
How we handle personal information
- 1. Purposes of the Utilization of Personal Information
- We will use personal information for the following purposes when conducting its business operations:
Purposes of utilization |
- For eExecution and performance of agreements, including agreements regarding the provision of goodproducts and services, and management after the execution of agreements - For mMaintenance and management of provided products and services and provision of after-sales service of provided goods and services - For cCommunication necessary to provide goodsproducts and services, and shipment of goodsproducts, etc. - For pProvision of information related to goods about products and services and other information related toabout our business activities - For invoice and acceptance of charges for goods and services and preservation of claimsBilling and accepting fees for products and services and the maintenance of account receivables - For responses Responding to einquiries and opinions to uswe receive - For Mmarket research and other surveys and studies - For promotion of prizes and campaigns, etc.Holding prize competitions, campaigns, and other events - For eExecution and performance of agreements with business partners, management after the execution of agreements, and any other necessary communications towith business partners - For Iimplementation of various measures to construct and maintain smooth relationships with business partners and provision of various accommodationsprovision of various accommodations for the construction and maintenance of strong relationships with business partners - For Pprovision of information on meetings, etc., of organizations and other necessary communications regarding meetings and other events which we host or belong to and any other necessary communicationwhich are hosted by organizations we belong to - For aActivities related to corporate social responsibility (CSR) (corporate social responsibility) - For pProvision of corporate information to and necessary communications towith those who desire or are expected to bejob applicants and prospective employees - For mManagement of the utilization status of theour facilities and equipment - For cases where it is necessary to perform our business operationsOther activities necessary for our execution of business |
Purposes of utilizationse of shareholder information |
- For Eexercisinge of rights and performingance of obligations under the Companies Act - To provide facilities to those who hold the status of a shareholderExtending accommodations to our shareholders - To implement various measures in order to promote a smooth relationship with our shareholdersImplementation of measures facilitating strong relationships with shareholders - For management of shareholders, including preparation of data of shareholders in accordance with the standards specified under various laws.Management of shareholders, including the preparation of shareholder data in accordance with the standards specified under laws |
If we have individually indicated the purpose of utilization, etc., separately by giving notice to the person or obtaining approval of the terms and conditions of use, etc., please understand that the contents of the individual purpose of utilization, etc., shall take precedence over the items stated above.
- 3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
- In addition to cases provided for in laws, all or part of the provided personal information may be provided to third parties, including Group companies of EBARA Corporation (domestic/overseas) and our cooperating companies, etc., to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of utilization set forth in paragraph 1 above.
In order to promote operations smoothly, Ebara may consign part of operations and provide to the consignees personal data to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of utilization of Ebara and in this case, We shall execute agreements with the consignees on handling of personal data and conduct proper supervision. - 3. Joint use of personal data
- Personal data that we have obtained may be used jointly with our group companies, business alliance partners, or others within the scope defined in the "1. Purposes of use of personal information" above. The statutory matters required for joint use of personal data in Japan are as follows.
(1) Joint use with Group companies in Japan
In order to comprehensively provide the goods and services related to the business handled by Ebara Group (hereinafter simply referred to as “Goods and Services”) by the entire Ebara Group, Ebara may use the personal data obtained by Ebara jointly with Ebara Group companies only to the extent necessary for business and permitted by law.
Scope of Joint Users |
Ebara and domestic group companies of Ebara specified on the website of Ebara (hereinafter referred to as “Ebara Group”) |
Purposes of Utilization of Joint Users |
- For cComprehensive provision of GoodProducts and Services by the EBARA Group - For eExecution and performance of agreements, including agreements regarding the provision of GoodProducts and Services, and management by the entire EBARA Group after the execution of agreements through the entire EBARA Group - For eExecution and performance of agreements between the EBARA Group and business partners, management after the execution of agreements, and other necessary communications towith business partners - For iImplementation of various measures maintain smooth relationships between Ebara Group and business partners and provisions of various accommodations and provision regarding accommodations for the construction and maintenance of the EBARA Group's strong relationships with its business partners - For conducting activities related to CSR (corporate social responsibility) throughout Ebara GroupThe entire EBARA Group's activities related to corporate social responsibility (CSR) - For pProvision of information related to GoodProducts and Services and information related to any other business activities of the EBARA Group - For pProvision of corporate information to and necessary communications towith hose who desire or are expected to be applicants and prospective employeesjob applicants and prospective employees of the EBARA Group - For rResponsesding to einquiries and opinions toreceived by the EBARA Group - For cases where it is necessary to perform the business operations of Ebara GroupOther activities necessary for the EBARA Group's execution of business |
Items of personal data which are subject to joint use |
- Name - Telephone number - Address - E-mail address - Any other matters necessary for the “purpose of utilization of joint users” stated aboveOther items necessary for the "Purposes of use" stated above |
Name of the company which are responsible for the management of the personal data to be used jointly |
EBARA Corporation |
If When personal data is jointly used with overseas EBARA Group companies, prior consent from the person concerned shall be obtained.
(2) Joint use of personal information related to electricity business
Scope of joint users |
We may use your personal information jointly with the following parties.1 - Electricity retailers2 - General electricity transmission and distribution utilities3 - Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, JAPAN (OCCTO) - Demand control contractors4 |
Purposes of joint use |
1) Conclusion, modification, or cancellation of a wheeling service contract or an electricity quantity adjustment service contract (hereinafter, “wheeling service contract, etc.”) 2) Provision of an agency service to discontinue a retail service contract (including contracts related to an isolated island service or last resort service) or an electricity supply contract (hereinafter, “retail service contract, etc.”)5 3) Confirmation of information about a service (supply) point 4) Execution of operations by a general electricity transmission and distribution utility under a wheeling service contract, etc., such as electricity meter-reading, the maintenance, inspection, and replacement of equipment, and the investigation of equipment in the event of a power failure, disaster, or similar event 5) Execution of operations concerning negawatt trading |
Items of information to be used jointly |
1) Basic information: Name, address, telephone number, and the contract number of retail service contracts, etc. 2) Information about service (supply) points: Service area(s) of the general electricity transmission and distribution utility that has concluded a wheeling service contract, etc.; the customer covered by the general terms and conditions of an isolated island service; service (supply) point identification number; information on the contract amount of wheeling; upper current limit; intra-area wheeling service menu; power factor; supply system; wheeling contract decision method; instrument information; leading-in pole number; presence or absence of system-interconnection facilities; date the wheeling contract switched; meter-reading date; contract status; and method of implementing discontinuance 3) Information on negawatt trading: Amount of generated electricity sold; amounts of demand and supply; amount of controlled demand; and baselines |
Parties responsible for managing joint use |
1) Basic information: Electricity retailers which have concluded a retail service contract, etc. (General electricity transmission and distribution utilities in the case of basic information on consumers receiving isolated island services or last resort services) 2) Information on service (supply) points: The general electricity transmission and distribution utility whose service areas cover the relevant service (supply) point 3) Information on negawatt trading: The demand control contractor |
1 We will jointly use your personal information only with the business operators necessary for the purpose of the joint use. Therefore, we will not necessarily use your personal information jointly with all electricity retailers, general electricity transmission and distribution utilities, and demand control contractors.
2 The term “electricity retailer” refers to a business operator to which none of the grounds for refusal of registration prescribed in Article 2-5, paragraph (1) of the Electricity Business Act (Act No. 170 of July 11, 1964) apply and that has been registered by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry as an electricity retailer (including business operators deemed to have been registered as electricity retailers pursuant to the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Revision of the Electricity Business Act (Act No. 72 of 2014). For the names, locations, etc. of the relevant business operators, please refer to the website of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (
3 The term “general electricity transmission and distribution utility” means any of the following: Hokkaido Electric Power Network, Inc., Tohoku Electric Power Network Co., Inc., TEPCO Power Grid, Inc., Chubu Electric Power Grid Co., Inc., Hokuriku Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Company, Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc., Chugoku Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Co., Inc., Shikoku Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Co., Inc., Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co., Inc. and the Okinawa Electric Power Company, Inc.
4 A demand control contractor is a business operator that has concluded a contract for supply based on demand control volume adjustment with a member general electricity transmission and distribution utility (including business operators that obtained business operator codes before concluding such a contract). For the names, locations, etc. of the relevant business operators, please refer to the website of the Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, JAPAN (https://www.occto.or.awatt-jigyousya.html).
5 The term “agency service to discontinue a contract for retail service, etc.” refers to a service requesting that the customer’s current business operator terminate existing contracts for retail service, etc. on behalf of the customer, which is provided by a business operator which has received an application for the conclusion of a new contract for retail service, etc. from the customer.
- 4. Contact For Request for Disclosure and Enquiries
- Please contact at Contact for Inquiries for requests for notice of the purposes of utilization, disclosure, correction, addition, expunction, suspension of use, and deletion, etc., of the personal data held by us and any other complaints or enquiries concerning personal information, etc.
Please understand in advance that we may not be able to respond to enquiries other than by the above means (including direct visits to us).